Ariane Thakore Ginwala: A Boutique Wildlife Resort — Tipai, the flagship project, exemplifies sustainable development, social responsibility, and cultural collaboration, using design as a catalyst for change. Her team dedicated six to eight months to researching low-impact construction methods before choosing rammed earth construction for the property. They also spent five years implementing permaculture practices to cultivate a self-sustaining landscape. Boulders unearthed during excavation were repurposed for road construction, while furniture primarily features refurbished wood, and fabrics are handwoven from organic materials. Local potters crafted the vaulted roofs using terracotta tiles. The team successfully conserved surface water runoff and enhanced the soil with biomass and rainwater harvesting techniques. Every detail in the villas, from the tea to the toiletries, is carefully selected from small batch boutique brands that share Tipai’s values of sustainability, quality, and fairness.
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